Express love to your special person with this striking bouquet. Our expert florists handcraft this bouquet using the freshest oriental pink lilies to ensure they remain fresh and beautiful for a long time. Whether you are celebrating in person or from afar, this lovely bouquet will surely bring a smile to your loved one's face and make them feel special. You can gift this to your friends and family on special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, and housewarming parties.
No. of Stems: 3
Type of Flowers: Lilies
Colour of Flower: Pink
Country of Origin: UAE
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Delivered product might vary slightly from the image shown.
This product is perishable therefore delivery will be attempted only once.
The delivery cannot be redirected to any other address.
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Reviews (1)
Hala Zurb
Dubai Sports City, Dubai
Very beautiful in real and delivered in the exact time
Oriental Delight Bouquet
Price: Rs.
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Oriental Delight Bouquet
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