9 Flowers That Help To Reduce Stress
The world is constantly changing. And with this fast-paced change comes the need for survival through constant efforts, determination and persistence.
This constant need to live up to our and our loved ones’ expectations is what results in stress & anxiety. This is the situation where your mind, body and soul need the delicate, sweet-smelling and beautiful flowers. Yes, flowers! Look at them, sniff at them, wear them, or bath in them.
They have the power to change our moods, lift our souls, and alert our consciences without giving us any long, boring lectures on our condition. Here’s the mantra to enjoy life as it comes with these 9 flowers-
When in doubt, look for Chamomiles! Keep a plant of chamomile in your office or home and feel all your negative emotions ebb away. Looking at the pretty flower and sniffing at its pleasant scent helps sooth mind. You can also pluck out a flower and make a tea from it at night to enjoy a thought-free and deep sleep.
Lavender is one of the most popular flowers used in fragrances. Its scent is not just delicious but also very calming. That is why the perfumes made from it are always defined as soothing for the senses. Its scent has the power to reduce palpitating heart rates, bring down stress levels, decrease blood pressure among others. You can pot a lavender flower plant in your house, keep it in your office, place it in your hair or massage your body with its essential oil and feel its fragrance magically work at your stressed and agitated mind.
Can falling into a deep, restful sleep be a challenge? When you are stressed or anxious, it can be. Jasmine’s scent is a potent sleep inducer and stress reliever. Put a jasmine flower pot besides your bedside to sleep soundly. If you can’t keep a pot, you can place two or three Jasmine flowers beside your bed to allow its fresh, sweet fragrance sing a lullaby to your disturbed mind and body.
Sitting for some time besides the beautiful zinnias is like giving your senses a deep therapy. Their fragrance and energies connect with the beats in your heart, making them relax and normalize. When doing daily chores, you can keep a bouquet of these florals where your eyes can see them and nose can smell them. Looking at these beauties will help you perform your duties with cheerfulness, and their scent will stop your mind from sinking into the feeling of soberness and unenthusiasm.
Everything about this gorgeous bloom shouts natural treatment. Have it as a tea to relax your nerves. Or keep it as a plant to purify your indoor air of the toxic benzene. With the air you breathe becoming purer, you will experience a significant dip in your stress and anxiety levels.
Feeling the tension and worry over every small little thing? Bring home the pretty and fragrant lilacs. They have a number of health benefits. Their very presence makes your pituitary glands signal a part of your brain to release beta-endorphins, hormones that are responsible for fighting tension.
Gerbera Daisies
Another flower that helps you sleep better. Gerbera daisies remove toxins from the air, which in turn, helps our body and mind relax and feel fresh. Because of their air-purifying quality, these flowers are considered great plants to keep beside the bed during sleep. They release oxygen throughout the night, which improves your breathing and makes your mind enter the zzzz mode without the slightest efforts.
To make your irrational fears and worries go away, you need to indulge your senses in the most enchanting scents of all- Rose! Buy a bouquet or a plant of the flower. Keep it handy, so you can sniff at it whenever anxiety hits. Rose is also an excellent medium for meditation, to rid your mind of unwanted thoughts as explained by Robin Sharma in his book,’ The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’.
No, this is not a flower that bites! The name of the flower may be scary, but it is one of the best-known flowers that helps calm down jittery nerves. It comforts and caresses your distressed mind just like a mother with its positive energy and pleasing scent. You can plant this flower in your home or use its essential oil.
‘Keep Calm and Be In the Company of Blooms’. Have a peaceful, happy and energetic day, every single day.
Wish to cheer up someone close with a gorgeous luxury flower arrangement? Choose freshest roses online from our website to send your best wishes. The freshness and fragrance of these enchanting blooms along with your sweet gesture are sure to make the receiver feel loved and pampered.