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Celebrate your Patriotism with Blooms for Republic Day

Posted on Tuesday, 16-Jan-2024

Indian Flag

We the people, know 26th January as the date when India's constitution came into effect. But its significance runs much deeper. It's the day when India attained Poorna Swaraj aka independence in its truest sense. And thus began India's journey towards a glorious nation that's sovereign, socialistic, secular, democratic and republic.

Now a day so imperative to the country, ought to bring out the patriotic side of every Indian. So be it India's resilience, its pursuit of individual liberties or the celebration of true freedom, certain flowers evoke a sense of liberation and independence to remind you that India will forever be a golden country.

Let's explore some farm-fresh florals that narrate a tale of freedom and growth:

Lily: Freedom from Yesterday

These erect perennials with leafy stems, scaly bulbs, narrow leaves, and white pristine petals, are just as significant as they're beautiful. Its white represents purity and pushes the idea of embracing new goals, opportunities, and feelings of renewal. In other words, it encourages you to forget the past and move into the future with the conviction of a better tomorrow.

Yellow Lilies in Vase for Republic Day

Sunflower: Liberation and Radiance

With large flower heads, long stems and a vibrant yellow hue that catches the eye, sunflowers are famous for always facing the rising sun, making this a flower that emits radiance. It teaches you to forever stay optimistic and turn your back on all that which brings you down. Alongside, it reminds you to bask in the spirit of light, reach out to the sky and aim for new heights each day.

Sunflowers in Basket

Daffodil: A Beacon of Hope and New Beginnings

A bulbous plant, yellow or white, daffodils are also known as trumpet blooms. Their optimistic demeanour represents hope, renewal and the promise of a new start, one that excites you and makes you whole. Daffodils are the messengers of spring, which means they serve as a reminder that no matter the harsh winter, better times lay ahead. So if you surround yourself with daffodils at home or outdoors, rest assured, they will be your true north and a beacon of hope.


Cherry Blossom: Symbol of Transience

Also known as Japanese Cherry or Sakura, these blooms represent fleeting beauty. A lot like life. Be it the good times or the bad, they never last forever. Which is why, time and again, life serves as a reminder to live each day like it is the last and to savour every moment that allows you the freedom to not stay bounded by the past or future. Instead to look forward to the glory of the present and smile through it all.

Cherry Blossom

Butterfly Bush: Wings of Freedom

Also known as summer lilac, the butterfly bush is aptly named for its ability to attract butterflies. That's why, they symbolize a beautiful transformation that enables you to finally come into your own. And just as butterflies effortlessly flutter from flower to flower, this bush encourages you to embrace change and easily adapt and blend into your surroundings to make the most of what life has to offer. In other words, the bloom is a testament to the fact that when you're free to evolve, waver and explore new paths and horizons, you grow boundlessly.


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