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Why Do Flowers Make Us Smile?

Posted on Wednesday, 14-Feb-2024

The Science Behind Flowers and Happiness

Why Flowers Make People Happy

For centuries now, flowers and humans have held a captivating connection. Surprise your loved ones on their special day with flowers, it's a moment to remember. Offer a rose to your sweetheart, it instantly elevates your love. Receive a bunch of blooms from a colleague and you're full of gratitude. Such is the power of flowers that you just can't ignore.

Time and again, there have been instances to prove that the science behind flowers and happiness is multifaceted, including psychological, physiological and social factors. Making life as you know it more wholesome and richer.

But ever wondered why these floral beauties gifted by nature have such a profound effect on our mood, heart and soul? Numerous studies across the globe have shown that receiving a blooming bouquet boosts overall emotional well-being. But what's truly surprising is even the act of giving flowers provides joy and solace too. Simply a win-win for both the recipient and sender.

So while science has already established the connection, let's deep dive into the topic some more.

The natural connection

Who doesn't love being surrounded by nature? A walk in the forest, a stroll next to the river, a relaxing day at the beach or a hike amidst the mountains, there's never a moment where you don't stop and stare at the wonders of nature and admire them from the bottom of your heart. And the smile that adorns your face after, is the connection that makes you one with nature. So when you're surrounded by flowers, they have a similar effect on you, evoking feelings of belonging, connection and oneness.

The colour connection

One of the key contributors to why blooms and joy go hand-in-hand is the vivid hues of flowers. Deep red, soothing peach, bright yellow, extravagant orange and so many more. Each more distinct than the other, each more breathtaking too. So every time you come in contact with a blooming colour palette, it ignites myriad feelings. Palettes of red stimulate love and passion, hues of pink influence happy emotions, purples and blues induce calmness and relaxation. No matter what colour it is, there's a wondrous emotion just waiting to be felt.

The fragrance connection

Aromatherapy is a major factor in encouraging an emotional response. You smell something familiar, it instantly takes you down memory lane. An awful smell can immediately put you off or pull you down and a floral aroma can soothe your senses like no other. Jasmine and lavender aromas have quick stress-relieving effects, chamomile helps with insomnia and enhances sleep quality, along with scents of eucalyptus that boost overall immunity.

So the next time you wish to surprise your special ones with flowers or embellish your home decor with them, remember it will not just serve as a visual treat but also as a mood enhancer that uplifts and rejuvenates, adding that much-needed solace to a heavy day.

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