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A Magical Date Night for Valentine's Day

Posted on Tuesday, 30-Jan-2024

Elevate the romance with a few simple steps

Valentines Rose Arrangement

The fervour of Valentine's Day infuses love in the air but also brings along expectations that almost seem scripted. A reservation at a leading eatery, long walks near the shores or movie night at the theatre. While there's nothing wrong with these, why not try something a little more relaxed? Something that keeps you and your sweetheart's love centre stage?

This time around skip the crowded restaurants, ditch the cliched parties and get ready to celebrate Valentine's Day, the OG way - A romantic dinner for two, at home. After all, your love deserves a private moment, unaffected by the external world, just lost in the emotions that surround the room.

In just a few simple steps, you can achieve the date night of your dreams where love gets to bloom and soulmates get to flourish. Let's dive in:

Pick your decor style for the evening

Decorating with fresh flowers is almost traditional to Valentine's Day. But what sets it apart is the thoughtfulness that goes into the curation. Pick your style - Minimal or extravagant and make sure to carry that till the end. A minimal decor demands softer colours, basic blooms and bespoke assortments that remind you why simplicity works best. For a larger-than-life decor, don't be afraid to go bold. Pick red hues, as deep as your love, go for a grand array of flowers and rich textures to highlight the night's splendour.

Decor Style for Valentine's Day

Lay out the table, mindfully

A table setting speaks volumes about the length you would go to, to stir up the right setting for the night. From your cutlery to glassware to the fabric and colour of the tablecloth, it's imperative to bring it all together with a single idea. But what adds the true glory touch are the centrepieces. For maximal options, go for ethereal blooms in a vase, for an elegant setting turn to dried flower assortments that echo timeless elegance and for a minimal statement, pick tender blooms with short stems that add a bespoke touch to the aura of the room. Additionally, don't forget to add a unique touch to the setting with a personalized gift.

Table for Valentines Day

What's on the menu?

Next up is pleasing the palate. The right kind of menu, paired with wines and cocktails can instantly elevate the mood and lead up to a gala of an evening. First, pick a cuisine or a blend of cuisines that you want to work with. Then, consider appetizers that work up an appetite, prepare the main course to flaunt your culinary skills and make sure to add a decadent touch with desserts that serve as an aphrodisiac.

Valentines Recipe

Give a blooming welcome

Once your set-up is complete, it's time to give some serious thought to how you would welcome your partner. It's a special night, you wouldn't just want them to walk up to your wondrous set-up and get seated empty-handed. The first gesture will set the tone for the night, so take your time to figure out how you want to surprise them. You have a plethora of options to choose from - Blooming assortments with over-the-top designs, a wholesome hamper that blends Valentine's Day essentials with an array of roses or even a disposition with adorable teddies, balloons, and scrumptious edibles.

Grand Gesture - Flowers for Valentine's Day

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