A sumptuous bouquet featuring marigolds, cypresses, and Kamini adorned with gold pine cones, a balloon dog ornament, and a golden Christmas tree. Wrapped in elegance with red ribbon bows and holiday-themed accessories, it includes a medium panel tray filled with delights like Sorrentina truffle chips, plum cake, almond brittle chocolates in a wooden box, a Biscoff jar cake, assorted macaroons in a decorative box, and red wrapping sheets.
Plum Cake Sqaure 300g
Almond Brittle (3 units)
Care Guide
Panel Tray Medium
Small Wooden Box
Masqa Nutty Nibbles 100g
Assorted Macroons
Truffle Chips 45 gms
Christmas Balloon Dog
Golden Metal X-Mas Tree-10 Inches
Biscoff Jar Cake
Plum Cake Sqaure 300g
Almond Brittle (3 units)
Weight: 16gms
Type: Chocolates
Care Guide
Panel Tray Medium
Size: 38 x 25 x 10 cm
Material: Wooden
Small Wooden Box
Size: 10 x 10 x 7 cm
Masqa Nutty Nibbles 100g
Weight: 100gms
Type: Chocolates
Assorted Macroons
Flavours: Mixed Flavour
Shape: Round
Truffle Chips 45 gms
Weight: 45gms
Christmas Balloon Dog
Golden Metal X-Mas Tree-10 Inches
Biscoff Jar Cake
No. of Stems: 6
Type of Flowers: Cyprus Leaves ,Marioglad ,Pine Cones Brown
Colour of Flower: Assorted
Country of Origin: India
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Santa's Surprise
Price: Rs.
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Santa's Surprise
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