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When flowers are attached to their plants, they receive all required nourishment that allows them to grow, bloom and last as long as nature intended them to. But once flowers are cut from their plants, they are also cut off from their nourishment and source of water. The flower food, scientifically developed by Interflora was developed to replicate the nourishment a plant provides its flowers. This simulates the original environment, allowing the flower to develop and open. When used as per instructions in our manual, the flower food helps improve the longevity of your fresh booms helping create long-lasting enjoyment of aesthetic value for the customer. So what really does this magic potion do?
1. Unplugs the stems: When changing hands, right from the grower to the consumer, the flowers, in the transport chain, go through several chances of getting exposed to situations and temperatures that can clog the stems. This results in reducing the ability of the stems to taken in nutrients and water. This blockage is a major reason for clogging the stems thereby shortening the lives of flowers. Our flower food includes a special ingredient that allows the water and nutrients to flow up the stems.
2. Source of nutrition: Sugar is produced by plants through the process of photosynthesis from sunlight, carbon-dioxide and water. Since the flower is cut off from the nurturing plant, the process of photosynthesis is no longer available for the production of sugar for their nourishment. Interflora's flower food includes nutrient supplement that help the flowers buds to bloom completely. This is why flower food increases the performance of flowers in terms of vase life, colour and size.
3. Keeping flowers hydrated: Flower food lowers the pH value of the water keeping the food conducting system in the flowers working at optimal efficiency. The flowers go through dehydration during the course of shipping and postharvest, making a jumpstart a dire need. If the pH of the water is more acidic, the molecules are naturally more hydrophilic meaning, they tend to stick together. Our flower food includes a pH lowering agent that allows hydration, thus keeping the vessels of the stems continually drawing water up to the flower.
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