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Teddy bears are quite adorable, aren't they? You smile instantly just thinking about them - cute, fluffy, soft, warm, furry - Teddy bears are synonymous with all these words. Holding them close to you actually gives you comfort, it even makes you feel safe. Remember the nights as a kid when we felt scared, we'd hold our teddy closer to our heart? Turns out even as an adult, it works the same way. Teddy bears are still there to protect us and make us feel safe.
Every year on the 10th of February comes Teddy Day. It is believed that the name has been derived from US president Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt who had a very kind and generous personality. He got his nickname for his kind nature, during a hunting trip he decided not to kill an animal, hence he became Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt. On Teddy day, lovers give each other teddy bears with a promise of making each other happy and keeping them safe through the thick and thin of life. This day marks the day where fluff wins, bigger the better, everyone wants a piece of the cutesy little thing.
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