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The historical rarity and sculptural rarity of orchids have fascinated humans since very long. They carry an unrivaled message of love, luxury, and beauty. Since ages, Greeks looked at orchids as a symbol of virility, whereas the Chinese called these blooms, as ''The plant of king's fragrance.? There was a time in the medieval age when orchids were used in herbal remedies. The word orchid is earned from ''orchis'' which refers to the tubers that are found in some species.
In the 1700s, orchids were being commercialized all over the world because of its intoxicating fragrance and appealing charm. Native to tropic Asia and Australia, orchids were carried to Britain in the 18th century and continued to remain a curiosity for many people. Then, the forerunner of greenhouse for orchids was developed. Soon orchids became the status symbol of wealthy and famous amateurs. Now, orchids are being cultivated in Europe since past 250 years.
The best way you can plant an orchid is by creating natural conditions in your garden. Naturally, orchids grow on an object like a stone, firmly clinging to it. Here are the easy steps to grow orchids
There are more than 40,000 species of orchids are found in nature. Not all orchids are easy to grow. Different orchids require different growth conditions like soil, temperature, humidity levels, watering schedule and light requirements. Cattleya and Paphiopedilum orchids are the easiest to grow.
Orchid roots need more air than soil. So, make sure that you have an airflow turbulent around the roots of your pot. The combination of bark chips, charcoal, perlite, and sphagnum moss is used as a potting mix.
Making a mixture for potMostly, there are two kinds of mixes that work the best for most types of orchids. For slipper orchids use four parts of fir bark and, a fine part of charcoal, and 1 part of perlite. For cattleyas orchids, use four parts of fir bark and, medium part of charcoal, and 1 part of perlite.
Pot your orchidTake off the budding plant from its original pot. Cut off dead roots, if any. The mature portion of the plant should be positioned towards the bottom sides, while the newly grown portion should be kept near the sides of the pot. Add the pot mixture gently without covering the roots.
1. Choosing the right temperature for your orchid Being a tropical flower, orchids need good sunlight and optimal airflow. The best temperature for their growth ranges between 18 to 23 degrees Celsius.
2.Sunlight Make sure that the orchids receive enough sunlight. However, too much of sunlight will burn them off. They enjoy indirect sunlight, so try placing them at a shady place like behind curtains or window blinds.
3. Water your orchid optimally Water your orchids once in a week, and allow them to dry. Too much or frequent watering schedules may kill the plant.
4. Use orchid-specific fertilizersIdeally, fertilize your orchids once a week. Using too much of fertilizers may burn the roots. Rinse the system once a month to take off the accumulated fertilizer.
5. Humidity levelOrchids enjoy higher levels of humidity. Keeping humidity level around 50 to 75% is well suited for the plants.
Orchids are famous flowers for occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, wedding, etc. These blooms have been held high for centuries. In general, they symbolize love, beauty, fertility, refinement, and charm. Orchids are available in several shades, and each one of them has something to say.
Blue orchids are rare and symbolize rarity, desire, peace, and beauty.
Red orchids symbolize passion, desire, romantic love, and strength.
Pink orchids represent gratitude, joy, happiness, innocence, and femininity.
Orange orchids symbolize enthusiasm and boldness.
Yellow orchids spell energy, warmth, joy, and friendship.
White orchids symbolize innocence, purity, and reverence.
Purple orchids symbolize respect and royalty.
Green orchids are known to bring fortune and blessings. They also represent nature and good health.
Being such a versatile flower, the orchids can be used on many occasions when you want to convey these emotions- forming it a thoughtful gift.
Orchids are a part of many special occasions that we celebrate in our everyday life. So, if you receive a bouquet of orchids on any occasion, here is how you can take care of these blooms for their longer life.
The first important step in taking care of orchids is, which one to cut from the entire set in the bouquet. The ones which are long stemmed and not easily bruised are suitable for the cut.
Cut the stems approximately by one inch and insert them in water containing one packet of flower food. Make sure that the blooms remain above the surface of the water. Cut the stems in such a way that they can absorb water and food through them.
Put the cut orchids in a container having tap water. Take out all dead leaves beneath the surface of the water. Do not expose them to direct sunlight. After a couple of days replace the water with fresh water.
Orchids being one of the most popular flowers in the world, they share some interesting facts. Here are some of them! 1. Orchids are the largest group of plants across the globe. There are more than 40K species of orchids on the earth. Of which, 99% are under cultivation, while the remaining 1% are tropical ones found in inaccessible habitats. 2. Orchids grow in every color, except for black. They convey lots of expressions depending upon the color of flower gifted. 3. are still traded internationally, despite their rarity. Flower enthusiast from across the world hunt for specific breeds as they are always in high demand. 4. Orchids do have medicinal properties. In early days, the Chinese used orchids to cure cough and lung illness. 5. The Victorians used to display orchids as a treasure. 6. In ancient Greece, orchids were associated with male fertility. 7. The vanilla you used in your cakes and ice creams is extracted from orchids.
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