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Flowers have always been loved by each one of us. The blooms are not only gorgeous but also symbolise different human emotions. Be it love, happiness, gratitude, sorrow or any other aspect of human emotions, flowers form the best medium of communication. Hence floral beauties form an integral part of our lives. They are always incorporated in all our special occasions because including them not only enliven the feel of the atmosphere but are also considered auspicious. People even today love receiving floral gifts on special occasions like birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, baby showers and so on. Many of us start our days by offering water to flowering plants as it helps us start our day on a positive note. Such is the charisma of fresh flowers. These flawless natural beauties instantly hold our attention and look even more stunning when arranged creatively in various bouquets and styles.
As the name suggests, the flowers and leaves in these creative flower arrangements are arranged in the shape of a fan. This arrangement remains a classic to date and is also very popular amongst people. The leaves beneath the flowers resemble the blades of a fan. While creating this type of flower arrangements, one can either go for the same type of flower or colour while creating these bouquets or can experiment with different flowers and colours. The bouquets can be made to look bountiful by filling the empty spaces with foliage.
Floral beauties and foliage are arranged in the form of an ellipse in this type of flower arrangement. Bright and vibrant flowers such as roses, sunflowers, lotus, tuberoses, lilies adorn these exotic bouquets for that dramatic look and feel. The flower incorporated are mostly sweet-scented and make perfect floral gifts for special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and more. The flowers and colours that perfectly gel with each other are picked to create these arrangements.
This type flower arrangement mostly adorns bouquet and flower baskets. Different types and colours of flowers are combined to make a perfect vertical flower arrangement. This flower arrangement is favourite amongst the local florists and shoppers across the globe.
Horizontal flower arrangements are mostly used by design experts of reputed florist companies worldwide. The floral beauties are arranged in rows or zigzag pattern in this type of flower arrangements. Different varieties and colours of flowers are used to create signature patterns in these arrangements.
The flowers and foliage are cut in a way that when put together they resemble triangular shape. At the heart of the arrangement usually, a big flower is placed for that instant attraction. Big flowers at the centre also add to the beauty of the entire arrangement. Keeping in mind the triangular shape, rest of the flowers are arranged on the sides.
This type of arrangement is also known as ''C'' type of flower arrangement. All the flowers and greens are shaped in C style in a basket arrangement. The C style arrangements look exclusive and simply stunning. The entire arrangement is very skillfully designed so that it balances in the basket perfectly. This arrangement is supported with the help of satin ribbons which also adds to the look and feel of the bouquets.
Flower experts skilfully create the "S" type flower arrangements. The flowers and greens are placed in an upright position. The arrangements look stunning with a variety of flowers and foliage. Mostly big size flowers are used to create gorgeous bouquets. These signature bouquets are an instant attraction for the guests and onlookers. Hence, this type of flower arrangement is mostly presented in special occasion and celebration.
The oval-shaped flower arrangements make very good ceremony hall decoration pieces. They also serve the purpose of interior decoration. The flowers and greens in this type of arrangement are cut and presented in oval shapes and skilfully presented in bouquet and basket forms.
Cascade flower arrangement is a fantastic floral arrangement meant for special occasions. A lot of exotic flowers and greens go in the making if these signature flower arrangements. These exotic flower arrangements are mostly presented in wedding anniversaries and wedding ceremonies of all religions. The freshness, fragrance, colour and texture of gorgeous blooms enliven then ambience of wedding ceremonies making them more memorable. This floral arrangement is very popular across the globe.
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